Friday 22 July 2011

O! Valencia

As I write I am speeding through the Spanish mountains on a comfy air conditioned train from Valencia to Alicante. There has been *alot* of travelling this week.

The journey started off in a little Spanish town in the middle of Spain, may I add the hottest part... Which my ginger freckled skin did not agree with. The week was spent in a villa with various members of my loverboys family... Sitting by a pool sipping cruz campo and alhambra beers enjoying pool side japes and wonderful scenery, add in a couple of pain in the arse flys, wasps, sun stroke and a hint of montezuma's revenge... I set a beautiful scene don't I. In case that isn't doing it for you here's some pictures

The purpose of being isolated in this beautiful part of the world was for a wedding of my boyfriends cousins... Fun to say the least and not without the dramas!

After the first week we set off to beautiful Valencia for a week of sightseeing, tapas, and fun! The first days were a bit poop... Literally!

We had a look about, got lost and ended up with blisters on my feet!

In all we visited Valencia Cathedral and seen some gruesome stuff, like a martyrs preserved arm in a casket and bits of saints hearts in sculptures of them, there was beautiful architecture, art and statues. I'm not religious, but I definitely appreciate how beautiful it was, also seen the holy grail! Not that spectacular. A stone cup!

We visited a modern art gallery where I got to see a Paul Klee painting, along with a Ross Bleckner ( you might recognise that name from Sex & The City when Charlotte goes on a date with a guy who owns one of his paintings and Samantha ends up going home with him)... And got to see a lovely Lazlo Maholy-Nagy painting, definitely excited me!
Got a glimpse of a beautiful building which was once a silk exchange and a Unesco Trade building. So many beautiful art nouveau buildings.

One day we took a longer walk to the arts and sciences park... We were exhausted when we got there, it boasted some
Amazing modern architecture inspired by nature. The science museum wasn't that great inside, maybe good for kids. Was not worth the money.

Next to the arts and science centre is a beautiful Opera house, second to the Sydney opera house... In my opinion the architecture was far more superior and stunning.

We had then went on to the oceanografic which was an amazing array of sea creatures, we got to see manitees hugging, artic penguins and their baby's, amazing sharks, seals and turtles. Most amazing of all was the Beluga Whale, it was amazing it had these eyes that looked at you and had such emotion, and this smile that just made you light up inside. Part of me felt a bit sad at being caged, I was informed however that they are rescued animals who are very well looked after and some are released after their rehabilitation. I don't know how true this is.
Also seen the outside of the Plaze del Torres where infamous bullfights take place, we were considering going to see one that night but I don't know how I feel about seeing that so we decided against it.

On our last day in Valencia we found lots of amazing wee boutiques, rockabilly shops ad galleries much to my excitement, I went ott in MAC with my credit card and had the best tapas of the holiday in this little bar recommended on the lonely planet guide! We had seasonal mussels in this amazing sauce... And I ultimately had one to many Cuba libre!

Valencia also had some fantastic graffiti which I took plenty of photos of!

The view from the hotel

Lots of graffiti

The valencia cathedral

Amazing architecture

Plaza Del Torres

My mac attack

My next blog i will update on the creative side of things which i will get to do more of as i will be working only 3 days a week

Hope everyone is great and taking in their world!

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Av de Menéndez Pidal,Valencia,Spain

Wednesday 25 May 2011

Exciting things...

This has been a good week, I had a meeting with Mel from Arthritis Care Scotland, she arranges amazing events and is such a breath of fresh air to the charity. She's got younger people involved in something that is generally thought of as an older persons illness. But she and others volunteering are raising awareness that it's younger people as well. This event that I'm getting organised in is to do with the perception of beauty, making girls that struggle with pain every day, they have the scars to bear from lots of operations.... And they ARE beautiful women! And like Mel said to me you can feel so "blah" as she's had knee and hip operations which have meant weight gain and feeling unattractive, but she is a beautiful vibrant girl doing a wonderful thing. I wont say what the event is it is under wraps but it will be fantastic and I'm proud to be part of it!

This is what I've been working on this week, and there is more to come in the next coming weeks!

And here's a few things that I want on my wishlist

Thats all for now bit I'll be posting more pictures of my creative processes later

-Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Monday 9 May 2011

This week...

This week I'm going to share a few things that have inspired me or been floating round my mind.

First of all, Alexander "the great" McQueens knuckle duster and matching clutch.... So beautiful, I noticed river island had a bag similar which o wish I snapped up! Skulls have popped up in fashion alot.... I'm not usually a huge fan of Damien Hirst but that diamond embellished skull he done was amazing even though a bit indulgent. Hmmm.

With a bit of Aubrey Beardsley for good measure!

This makes me want to get back on the screen printing again. I'd love to print some fabric using this blog as inspiration.

Then I've been eyeing up peoples granny curtains... I need to hunt for vintage florals... I have ideas of making full circle skirts and dresses for the summer

Last of all... I've been hunting all over to get my little mitts on wedges like these little baby's... My heart will not be complete until they are in my life

Location:Claremont St,Aberdeen,United Kingdom

Thursday 28 April 2011

Getting my creativity on

Long time no post. I've started to push myself back into creativeness again. Ive just recently finished a corsetry course so I need to order some supplies and get that on the go. Another thing I want to get my teeth into is making some Peter pan collars. Their bang on trend and can easily turn a plain t shirt or top into something for the evening! Here's some I really like

So this is something I've been working on, still a work in progress

Location:Denmore Rd,,United Kingdom

Monday 5 October 2009

summer time.

I visited Barcelona recently, 4 nights is not nearly enough to take it all in. I could have spent a week on the beach (and I'm not a "beach" person). I've been before, for 2 weeks, and even then I couldn't take it all in. There was more to see other than the art and architecture. I love graffiti, and I looked for pattern and repeats in buildings that I can maybe use to inspire me if I get on this short screen printing course (so I can refresh my memory, as I've not done it since uni due to not having facilities etc.) Unfortunately lack of time and money meant we were unable to take in as much as we should have, and the fact we had a lazy hung over sunday spent on the beach!!

There was alot of inspiration to be taken, I love Graffiti, so I was snapping up as much as I could with the camera, and there was a lovely wee tattoo parlour around the corner from our apartment called "medusa" and it was really nice and traditional, lots of dios des muertes style tattoos, and it sold wee accessories and such, plus they had an adorable pet boston terrier which I wanted to steal. There was also some really nice shop window displays that I loved. Hopefully this can push me to take inspiration and colour from it!

Tuesday 29 September 2009

I am thinking up of a new name for my etsy store.

i've been so uncreative because I don't know what to name it. it sounds stupid, but i need a brand name.
